Divisional brand: Currency

The Currency brand is used to promote Currency specific activities and products. It has a specific set of colours, patterns and gradients to distinguish itself from the Global and Authentication brands.


Whatever is being created, video, brochures, flyers - a PowerPoint deck, we need to make sure the correct colours, patterns, gradients, typefaces and graphics are used throughout.

For external users and suppliers, please get in touch with your contact at De La Rue, or reach out to marketing@delarue.com to access our brand assets.

For all De La Rue Office365 users there is a SharePoint site which includes a document template library with pre-built PowerPoint and Word templates to get you started, an image library of approved artwork, brand assets and how-to guides to help you begin integrating the brand guidelines into your work. 

Full details of the brand guidelines and links to relevant assets can be found in the menu bar.


This is for internal users. When creating slide decks to present to an external audience, you will need to download the new template. Follow the link to access the SharePoint site. 


2023 Master deck_CURR_opt 2


2023 Master deck_CURR_opt 1-1


Plain background, product in society image, and gradient

Plain background, product image, and gradient

CURR_PPT option 2


CURR_PPT option 1


Patterned background, no image, and gradient

Patterned background, no image, and gradient


- Use the White logo on a De La Rue Blue background

- Choose either a Currency pattern and gradient, or a plain background, an appropriate image and gradient. 

- A large gradient filled title block holds the headline, written in DM Sans or Arial, with keywords highlighted in DM Serif Display Italic or Georgia Italic. Select a Currency division gradient to place within the title block

- Use the tier 1 or 2 division labelling system to indicate that this is a Currency document. Follow the link for details. This should be placed below the logo and connect with the corner of the title block

- If using a plain background, add one ‘product in society’ image that is relevant to the document title

- If using a patterned background, do not use an image

- Use the underlying grid to position images and blocks as part of our graphic system

- For more details on the Currency division specific colours, patterns, imagery and gradients, please review the brand portal. 

Updating old slide decks

Due to the size of De La Rue and number of slide decks, for the majority of us, it will our personal responsibility to update our own slide decks into the current format. Please prioritise decks that are externally facing, or are viewed by a large number of  internal stakeholders first. 

Instructions on how to transfer content between decks can be found here. It will likely be necessary to manually edit the destination slides as the old content will use different formatting which will not map across to the new format. 

If you need more support on how to transfer your slide decks, please raise a ticket with De La Rue IT, using the Digital Workplace app. 

Brochure covers and spread

The following applies to external agencies retained to create De La Rue branded collateral. Internal requirement requests for content should initially be directed to marketing@delarue.com.

When creating brochure covers and spreads for the Currency division, please consider the following:


- Use the White logo on a De La Rue Blue background

- Choose either a Currency pattern and gradient, or a plain background, an appropriate image and gradient. 

- A large gradient filled title block holds the headline, written in DM Sans, with keywords highlighted in DM Serif Display Italic. Select a Currency division gradient to place within the title block

- Use the tier 1 or 2 division labelling system in the "Elements > Typography" section to indicate that this is a Currency document.  This should be placed below the logo and connect with other elements where possible

- If using a plain background, add one ‘product detail’ image that is relevant to the document title

- If using a patterned background, do not use an image

- Use the underlying grid to position images and blocks as part of our graphic system

- More details on Currency division specific colours, patterns, imagery and gradients, can be found in the "Elements" section

CURR_210x210 cover options


CURR_210x210 cover options2



- Page titles can appear in coloured blocks for stand-out

- The Currency division gradients can be used as backgrounds for text or images boxes, or for infographics

- Consider maximising the use of the grid for to add variety to the layout

CURR_210x210 DPS_sustainability


Pull up banners

When designing a pull-up banner for the Currency division, please consider the following:

- Use the White logo on a De La Rue Blue background

- Choose from two Currency division patterns

- A large gradient filled title block holds the headline, written in DM Sans, with key words highlighted in DM Serif Display Italic. Select from two Currency division gradients to place within the title block

- Use the tier 1 or 2 division labelling system "Elements > Typography" to indicate that this is a Currency document. This should be placed below the logo and connect with other elements where possible

- Use the underlying grid to position blocks as part of our graphic system

- The URL can appear in a coloured block

- For accessibility and legibility purposes, avoid placing text or important information below waist height, or around 0.8m from the base

- More details on the Currency division specific colours, patterns, imagery and gradients, can be found within the brand portal


