
Iconography is a useful way to illustrate key points or pieces of information. We have created a consistent and flexible style for how we create icons as shown here. Icons should be minimal and clearly represent a point.


Creating icons

If you require icons, that do not exist within the available icon set, please contact marketing@delarue.com with a request and example of what you need. 

Iconography - examples


Creating icons

20mm x 20mm / 57px 
Based on a 10 rows and 10 columns grid
1pt line weight in De La Rue Blue
Exported as 300dpi PNG with transparent background.

Iconography - rules

Minimum size

10mm x 10mm / 28px
Based on a 10 rows and 10 columns grid
0.5pt line weight in De La Rue Blue
Exported as 300dpi PNG with transparent background.

Iconography - min sizing



Using icons within our graphic systems

- Icon overlaps with blocks as part of graphic system
- Use large serif numbers to pull out facts and figures

Iconography - example 2